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Sutekh Hexen - Primeval [Cyclic Law - 2025]

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Amidst all the church burnings and cultural panic, it was easy to overlook the inherently theatrical nature of black metal. Corpse paint, fighting, rivalries, and satanic concert displays were like a soap opera for metal heads (although some made this all too real and unfortunately crossed the line). Hidden behind this "evil" façade were clever new modes of expression and rampant experimentation. 

This may not have been as obvious with the first wave, the second wave started to show signs of expanding, and with acts like Abruptum, the experimentation was clearly evident. Thirty plus years later, the genre has never looked better, and acts like Suekh Hexen show how fertile a medium black metal is to create in. Their latest, Primeval, is a clear departure from the black metal of old, with its atmospheric style clearly embracing the theatrical/cinematic roots of the genre but still keeping itself true through vocals, noise, and subtle terror. Crafting their dark atmospheres for over fourteen years, Sutekh Hexen has become quite adept at making engaging and enigmatic textures, establishing moods ranging from the grim and hopeless to opulent and forward-looking. Primeval continues their approach, spreading itself over eight lush tracks, all working together to enhance the album's overall sound and goal. As stated above, Primeval has a strong theatrical/cinematic element to it, with this carrying throughout, providing motivation and context for the darkness that dances along with it. The strength of the album is in its structure and pacing; it's not an assault, but rather a well calculated siege on the senses. While one song will lift the listener up with its bowed strings and grandiosity, the next will creep in with crunching carpets of noise, slowly and purposefully moving the album forward. One common factor to all the songs, though, is the rough, vile vocals. Any fan of black metal would be more than happy with the scathing screams and they perfectly complement both the noise and the cinematics. 
Spreading itself deftly over a few different moods, styles, and techniques, Sutekh Hexen's Primeval quickly builds atmosphere, and without faltering, keeps moving forth to deepen the composition and give the listener an amazing experience. While sometimes dark and grim, there are many elements here that point toward something brighter, that dark atmospheres are only half of existence and there is always hope. Conversely, it could be looked at that the darkness will always overtake the light, and hope is easily lost. However one decides to hear this album is entirely personal, and will more than likely change upon each spin (mood, weather, etc depending). This versatility and openness of meaning allows Primeval to exist outside of its sonic borders, taking up residence in one's heart and mind, and becoming a true piece of art.

Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

Paul Casey
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