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Nimikry - Bird of Paradise [Kairos Music - 2024]

Bird of Paradise is a darting, at times heady crossbreed between modern classic music, electro texturing, and noise. The seventy four-minute CD release brings together three pieces that take you on a twisting ‘n’ turning ride.

The release appears on the always-worthy Kairos Music. It is presented in a four-panel digipak in the label's house style, with abstract art on the front cover and a glossy inlay booklet with both English and German texts.

Nimikry is a duo bringing together Alessandro Baticci (flute/ live electronics) and Rafał Zalech (viola/ live electronics). Two of the pieces here, including input from the ensemble, Klangforum Wien- featuring a total of thirty-four members.

We open with a 2023 piece entitled "Rhizomatic Studies" which sees the pair being joined by Klangforum Wien. This just over eighteen-minute work is truly a sonic roller coaster ride, as we move from a sea of busy plucks, neck picks, and electro whirls ‘n’ sudden bass darts. Down through channels of densely orchestrated pomp, a glittering ‘n’ a shuddering with vibe sparks & flute forks. Into moments of pared back- to-building climb, dizzying string layering, and dramatic orchestration.  It’s a great unpredictable start to proceedings, blending twisting ‘n’ turning composition with atmospheric dynamics.

Next up is a part piece "Narcomancy", this is from between 2018 and 2019- been a total classical electronica crossbreed. As it moves from a blend of slamming electro bass tones, string saw/ neck pick, and galloping electro texturing.  Though to lightly bass thumbed/ brooding sound scaping-swinging with searing to rapid pick string swoons, warped flute warbling, and manic electro tone runs. Though to rapid flipping ‘n’ flapping blowing’s, sawing’s, and electro sparkle ‘n’ twinkle.

Lastly, we have the epic just shy of twenty-nine minutes of 2020/ 2021’s "Bird Of Paradise", which sees the duo being joined once more by Klangforum Wien. The piece moves from atmospheric sweeping and whooshing electro-ambience, with the occasional jarring orchestral punch or sour swoon.  Though to steadily clip clopping electro texturing alive with swirling whines, neck swoons, flute forking’s,  and playful to bombastic orchestral climbing. Onto an amped-up/ dense orchestrion sailing with electro hisses and wails, and beyond.

Bird of Paradise is a release for those who enjoy where dense-to-dramatic classical music meets electronic soundscaping for an often darting and shifting ride.

Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

Roger Batty
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