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Don’t Make A Sound - Don’t Make A Sound (DVD) [SRS Cinema - 2025]

Don’t Make A Sound is a 2024 low-budget film that blends unsettling found footage, slasher tropes, thriller tension, and decidedly haphazard drama elements.  Here from SRS Cinema is a DVD release of the film.

Don’t Make A Sound is a Spanish production shot in both Kentucky, USA and Andalucia, Spain. It was directed and written by Jt Kris- who has five features to his name. These go from little girl stalked in a forest horror of I Think We’re Alone Now (2020), found footage horror of Ouija Clown (2023), and urban legend focused slasher The Arkansas Pigman Massacre (2025).

The film runs at just over the hour and twenty-minute mark, and I guess it can be squarely cut into two sections. For the first ten minutes or so, we get footage of the film's killer- a heavy-set and bald man who dresses in a gas mask/ wears a yellow hazmat suit. We see his VHS footage tapes of him kidnapping, then taunting and torturing his victims. This part of the film is all about rapid cuts, on-screen glitches, and counting down the days of the week text. There is a real feel of derangement and unsettlement in this part of the film, as our unmasked killer jabbers & sweaty twitches, and then taunts, slices, and stabs his victims.

After this, we move into the second more formal film craft side of the picture, as we get introduced to two separate pre-teen girls, and their parent/ sister. This part of the film blends very highly mixed acted drama elements, stalking ‘n’ hiding thriller, and killer POV with heavy breathing though a gasmask found footage.

The first part of the film does effectively unbalance you, and I’d say it brought to mind a way toned down August Underground vibe, as you're unsure quite what will happen next, being slightly worried they may push things into the truly extreme side of horror.

The second part of the film- aside from the rather badly acted & badly recorded drama elements, features some effective moments of tension & thrills. The killer's found footage elements are rather effective too, with moments of uneasy, eeriness, and gore, though I do have to admit, at points the breathing through the mask sounds are somewhat overdone.

So as a result, I’d say Don’t Make A Sound has some decently thrilling/ at times very unsettling atmosphere, as well as some quite effective stalk ‘n’ slash elements. It’s just let down by some of the acting, and the quality of the dialogue audio, which at points is very difficult to hear.

On the extras front, we just get around four minutes of bloopers/ behind the scenes footage. A trailer, SRS trailer reel, and image gallery

In finishing, there is certainly a fair bit of promise with Don’t Make A Sound – and the mixing of tropes is done in effective/ fairly original way, so I’ll certainly keep an eye out for films from  Jt Kris- I just hope he manages to iron out the issues I mentioned earlier. So, with that in mind, I wanted to give it a two & a half out of five- but as we only do full marks I’ve gone for a two.

Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5

Roger Batty
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