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Absurd Reality/ T - The Wall [Basement Corner Emissions - 2025]

The Wall is a US noise split- featuring two around twenty-minute tracks, one dense and searing wall-craft, and the other roasting/ painful harsh noise with PE leanings.

The digital split appears on  Portland Oregon Basement Corner Emissions. For the cover artwork, we have a degraded/ necro picture of what looks like a prison wall- with the release title in slightly tilted typewriter text. The release can be found here 

So first up we have South Carolina’s  Absurd Reality with their track “Angola”.  This runs at the twenty-one-forty mark and is a thick/hope-suffocating example of HNW. The ‘wall’ is built around two or three layers of sludgy ‘n’ hacking low-to-mid ranged noise, which together create this muddy and crude sound encasement. It feels akin to being in a cold buffeting rain storm, as a mudslide is gathering pace- ready to knock you off your feet. There’s not much of a defined pattern or shape to the whole thing, but it’s the better for it- as it mushes together into a weighty mass- that presses down on you in a rewarding manner.

The second track is from Kanas City Missouri T- the track is entitled “Wall Or Death”, it runs at the slightly longer twenty-seven and forty. The track brings together thick shunting mids ‘n’ baying rips, with forking/ teeth grating highs. With later things shift into more rough slushing meets boil liquid/ laser slice tonality. It very much feels like a highbred of dense buffering ‘n’ baying wallish harsh noise and super searing PE.  When playing this split I had to drop the volume moving from the first track to this one- as it truly is a loud & hearing battering noise.

As a split The Wall is an unforgiving and brutal crude ride into noise kind- with both tracks complimenting each other well enough, as the intensity shifts from dense ‘n’ muddy, to ear-numbingly unforgiving.

Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

Roger Batty
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