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Fred Frith - Woodwork [Klanggalerie - 2019]

Woodwork is a recent two track album from highly respected, versatile, and devilishly creative guitarist Fred Frith. The release both highlights the scope, depth, and genre blending talents of Frith, as he seemingly effortless moves from darting & jagged improv, chugging and dense heaviness, through to unearthly ambeince, onto almost all out noise, and beyond.

The CD release appears on the excellent Austrian label Klanggalerie-who put out both reissues of rare avant-grade gems from the past, as well as neat new experimental music/sound based releases. The CD is presented in a glossy four panel digipak- this takes in a simply yet most effective pictures of staple laden wood, with crude text label like texts.

The two tracks come from a live recording made of Frith in 2018 at Ateliers Claus in Brussels. With the whole thing been captured with great clarity & depth- so for most of the albums runtime you wouldn’t guess it was a live recording.

The album is split into two tracks- one running forty one & half minutes, and one running four and a half minutes. The album opens with the longest track “Stillness The Dance” and this really does highlight the variation, mastery and control Frith has over his guitar as we begin with chugging ‘n’ galloping discordant improv, before moving flirting ambient burr that a moved by twanging eastern tones, through rough ‘n’ ready texture blends of neck slipping and scrapping that moves towards textured noise. As we move on we come to strange sonic landscapes of wailing & high pitched plucking, which are underfed by simmering & weirdly struck harmonic swipes. Really both the invention, control, and variation of Frith's playing is awe inspiring- yet it never becomes showy or egontric- there is a clear, and well defined composition running through the track, and Mr Firth really does take us on a trip – move from dense & noise bound, through to detailed and textured, onto moody & more atmospheric tipped with more regular harmonic edges & touches.

The second shorter track here is “Falls In The Shadow”- and here we find a blend of Firth's picked, tapping & angular purring guitar tones set with these strange sort wailing-to-howling-to-creepily whispered vocal tones. Frith's guitar is less shifting & active in it’s tone here, all making for decidedly tense & strange end to the proceedings as we get crowd applause in the tracks last few moments.

Woodwork certainly is a wonderfully eventful, daring and rewarding release really highlight why Mr Frith is still one of the talented and distinctive guitar players in the world today- worth checking out either if you enjoy darting & creative modern composition, or if you hearing what a true master of the guitar can do with his instrument.

Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

Roger Batty
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