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Worship - Ruby [Self release - 2022]

Ruby features two examples of pummelling, yet cosily encasing wall-craft from Worship- who is one of the more mysterious of the recently started projects on the scene, as there’s no indication of where they are from/ who’s behind it.

Ruby is a self-released digital affair- it features a picture on it’s front cover of 1920s nude model Clara Ruby-Black, who is sitting on a chair topless staring at the onlooker in a knowing manner. All of the projects releases feature nude/glamour models on their covers, mainly from the past. The release can be heard/ downloaded here

The first track here is “Cherry”, and this comes in at spot on the twenty-nine-minute mark. The ‘wall’ is constructed around two buffeting ‘n’ battering textures- these seem slightly pulled-out and smoothed around their edges. And for me, the ‘wall’ feels akin to watching an evenly blowing sheet, or maybe a boat sail on a slightly warming summer's day. Though the ‘wall’ is persistently battering in it’s flow, there is something rather comfy and soothingly enchanting about the whole thing.

Next/ lastly we have “Return To Innocence”, and this runs at thirty-one minutes. Here we find a mix of mid-paced juddering ‘n’ jittering texture- which has a buffeting, yet once again quite a cosy feel to its attack. The textures here have rather a slow-mo drag 'n' rip quality to them, but the edges have been rather smoothed/ dulled off. For this ‘wall’ I’m getting images of being slowly hit around the head with multiple pillows. The whole thing features a most effective feeling of gently slowing, with at points you thinking the whole thing will grind to a stop- but of course it never does, as it’s just a trick of the ‘wall’.

Ruby takes in two rewardingly examples of the wall-noise, and I particularly enjoy the feeling of comfy battering, which both of them have in their structure/ textural flow. With the 1920’s model theme nicely fitting the ‘walls’ vibe/ feel very well. 

Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

Roger Batty
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