Applez91 - Wall Maria [Death To Dynamics - 2022]Wall Maria takes in a single half-an-hour example of intense purr ’n’ drill-based walled noise. This Italian-based project started in the early summer of this year- with around fifteen releases to its name thus far, taking in splits and stand-alones- like much of the modern wall noise scene, most of these are digital-though there have been a few physical releases. This appears on UK’s Death To Dynamics, and it comes in the form of a digital release. Cover artwork wise we have a pink, black and grey illustration of an inverted skeleton hanging above what looks like lines of headless bodies below. The release can be found just here. As far as I can gather from a brief search, the sound source here is both anime, and a mobile app- though you wouldn’t really guess that, as the sound of the wall feels almost electro-industrial in its punishing attack. The ‘wall’ is built around a constantly overloaded purring ‘n’ drilling element- around this one can make out faint swirls of tonal stretches & static grain sweeps. As the track progresses the central element often feels like it’s going to splutter 'n' grind to a stop, but it never does. The whole ‘wall’ has a wonderfully thick and meaty quality to its attack, and it really does grind into your head in a rewarding manner. Wall Maria is yet another distinctive & fairly original sounding wall noise release from the folks at Death To Dynamics. A release for those who want to get well 'n' truly sonically ground-up, than spat out. Roger Batty