| | Snuff Queen - Snuff Queen( DVD) | The subject of snuff films, whether they exist or not, and if they do who acts in them & buys them has fascinated people for years. Snuff Queen claims to be a documentary looking into the world of Snuffing- which is meant to be a multi-billion dollar industry where people intentionally die on camera, before being revived. But in reality, it’s a mockumentary- that’s trying to satirize the idea of snuff, all connected with it, and to a lesser account documentaries about the adult film industry. It’s fair to say it’s a highly mixed affair-which moves between very amateurish & not particularly shocking, to vaguely entertaining. Here from Dark Arts Entertainment is a region-free DVD, taking in a commentary track, cut scenes, and a trailer
| | Dans Les Arbres - L’album vert | There is, strictly speaking, the time of listening and the time of recording, and it is a rather tricky thing to try to disarticulate one from the other. For...
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| | Shane Ryan-Reid - Coerced and dis... | Most Films within the serial killer found footage/ faux snuff film genre feature both gory murder & brutal torture. One of the few film series to step aw...
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