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 Review archive:  # a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Wolf Eyes/John Wiese - Collection [Hanson - 2006]

Collection brings together a 7inch split between Wiese and wolf eyes, along with the tow very ltd American tapes cdr from 2003/04. All digitally re-mastered by Wiese in colour inlay from the original artwork. More than just a fan curiosity, this stands as some of both parties best work as collaborators and solo entities.

I have to say I have more than a little bit of a soft spot for The first volume of  American tapes, as it was the first time I heard any of John Wiese violent and often sinister soundscapes. I still have the CDR copy of the disk to this day and regularly replay it. So it’s so nice to see it here in a full and proper release, along with the other great tracks. The first lot of tracks covers the 7 inch split between the pair, the first track hovers in sinister intensions and streached mournful tones, full of anticipation as if it will all suddenly explode into bloody violence which it builds near to, but never really does. The next track starts with chilling echoed gunshots before going off into grimy, streached and bent noise tones, before ending in crowd banter. Again very sinister and nodding towards the calmer and less violent interludes on wolf eyes Burned mind.

Next we have the half-an-hours worth and 10 unnamed tracks of the first part of the American tapes CDR, again it’s not too violent or seething. The tracks are all about building and drowning one self in a strange sinister and alien atmospheric or dread and blood fear feelings. Both Wiese and Wolf Eyes create this great yawning, droning landscape that’s full of weird sea bond animal grunts and dinosaur like bellows/ groans, as well more higher pitch stretches. The whole thing is sea salt deep in this near frozen sinister deep ocean vibe, as the weird sounds emanate and echo from the deep aquatic and morbid drone bed. Really breath-taking from begin to end.

Lastly we have the second  American tape material that’s one half an hour long track. It starts off with ring/ piercing  tones and industrial clungging. Before developing into the most seething and more noise like material here, but that  still  keeps dead sea haunted feel of the first American tapes collaboration, as it see-sews between piercing, ominous and seething tones.

Really unmissble if you have any interest in either artists work. Or just want to find what all the fuss is about the noise genre, as this shows two of the most well know and respected names in modern noise performing at the atmospheric height of their considerable powers. But act quickly this is only ltd to a 1000, and disappear very quickly. To buy direct and find out more go to here.

Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

Roger Batty
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