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Go to the Steve Roach website  Steve Roach - Immersion : Three [Projekt - 2007]

This third volume in Steve Roach’s series of long form ambient compositions doesn’t just offer up one 70 minute piece, instead it offers up three. With all the three pieces following on from the rest of the series, painting vast and atmospheric sound worlds that often barely move. All three disks  are packaged in an arty and impressive large DVD size fold-out digipak.

Disk one's piece is called First light  & it revolves around a sweet harmonic sound patten that could well been created by guitar. With which Roach gently pulls and massaging out peaceful clouds of settling ambience. It  feels like your slowly falling over and over through calming space, not fearful of ever hit the ground, you feel you'll soothingly tumble for ever more. The sunlight of the guitar loop touching your skin ever so often.

Disk two piece is entitled Sleep chamber and takes you to a darker slightly more ominous place. Like your swimming through vast silky darkness, that though is still comforting has slight a foreboding edge about it. It hovers in the feeling of investigate a vast underground cathedral, through the air is nicely cooling and you scan your surrounding with wonder and awe. At the back of you mind your unshaw if your been watched from either high above or down low in the dripping subterranean pools and waterways.

Lastly we have disk three's Piece entitled Still, which once more follows on from the darker tone of the second disk. But this time with breathing like ambient ripples of sound, which bring to mind been slowly sucked along in side a vast almost translucent fish as it breaths in & out . The fish making it’s way along deep oceans cannons, cave networks and forgotten stone citadels. The track really  becoming very deeply hypnotic and captivating almost putting you into a trance like state where your completely at one with the ambient ebb and flow.

Another rewarding chapter in this growing series and another fine collection of ambient soundworlds by one of the true master of ambient form. Music to get lost in and  thoroughly immersed in its rich slowly evolving, often darkly hued worlds.

Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

Roger Batty
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