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 Review archive:  # a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Go to the Röyksopp website  Röyksopp - Melody A.M. [Wall Of Sound - 2001]

We get only seldom electronic music from Norway, since most of the bands concentrate on guitars, and even fewer of these bands reach the international charts. The more surprising it was to see the name Röyksopp appear in the big magazines, and even on music channels on television. I decided to give the debut album "Melody A.M." a try, and what a pleasant surprise it was!

Röyksopp (apparently this is the name for some kind of mushroom) is Svein Berge and Torbjorn Brundtland and their music is an outstanding combination between electronics, ambient and lounge, with a touch of soul and jazz sprinkled here and there. Most of the ten tracks on the album are there to chill-out; lounge-friendly and relaxing melodies and not too many vocals used. Some of the songs however, are extremely funky (such as the singles "Eple" and "Poor Leno") and they might just as well reach the dance floor.

"What is Röyksopp up to?" was my thought after the first listen of "Melody A.M." (and many listens afterwards... In fact I'm still wondering what this duo is up to). This is due to the fact that all the tracks are quite different, but in some way they manage to get the best of all kinds of genres. Jazz ("She's So"), trip-hop ("Sparks", featuring Anneli Drecker), dance music with beautiful orchestral arrangements (on the 7 ½ minute long "Röyksopp's Night Out")... You name it and Röyksopp turns it into something inspiring and catchy.

Maybe the above description doesn't really describe enough what "Melody A.M." consists of, but to name a comparison (e.g. Air) would be insulting. Röyksopp is far better, more original and more refreshing than anything (or anybody) else. I can't think of a better debut album released in 2001...

Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

Justin Faase
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