Nascitari - Disturbi Elettromagnetici Legati Alla Presenza Di [Scorze Records - 2012] | This four track CDR collects together a selection of early Nascitari tracks, before the project shifted to it’s present ‘funeral HNW’ or ‘suicidal HNW’ form…so this is mostly a none ‘walled affair’. The tracks fall somewhere between psycho ambient noisy broods & electro-acoustic torture sessions with the occasional distant suicidal mad-man rants, through to galloping ‘wall’ roastings. The albums title roughly translates to “Electromagnetic disturbances linked to the presence of God in electricity”, and it’s certainly a very troubled, pained & bleak god that’s been summoned up here. The first three tracks are from 2009, and they are created with a mixture of: tape recorders, frequencies modulators, an Akai-gx, an old transceiver with self made antennas, television, Fire & old Books. The first track comes in at the eight minute forty five & is entitled “Padre – Fase” (translated to Father-Phase).The slides in with a painful psycho ambient mixture of brooding & sinister drone dwells, static glitch trails, and un-easy static dwell. By around the 3 minute mark these buried & distant mad man ranting in Italian elements appear ever so often in waves, and you think that the track will suddenly explode but it never does, instead it just drifts back down to the electro brooding psycho ambience…yet the tension just seems to build & build. Track two is entitled “Figlio – Terra” (translated to Son-Earth), and this once again comes in just short of the nine minute mark. This track once more slow hovers & broods in with a mixture of edgy drones, elector purrs, and unwell electronic judders. Around the two minute mark a looped yet muffled marching drum sample appears, along with sudden more searing & louder noise sears- they are added & melted into the intensify mix of sounds…yet the track always keeps drifting & ebbing out to a more striped yet seared ambient state, before once more place another more aggravated & seared element back into the mix again. Track three is entitled “Spirito – Neutro” ( translated to Spirit-Neutral), and this is the longest track here at spot on the eighteen minute mark. And once again this track slips in with a on-edgey mix of semi-seared drones, grim electro purrs, and rumbling lines of grey static pulse. This mesh of unease & building tension is often broken by growing & more searing electro noise drones, sludgy yet louder static chugs, and all manner of un-easy yet desending more noisey matter. Also from time to time I’m sure I can make eerier mumbles and chatters in the tracks background…whether these are vocal textures, radio voices or maybe even EVP recordings I’m unsure, but it makes the track very uneasey as well as been damn edgy. Around the 15 minute mark things seems to start to stay more intense & searing, and one can make out trails of more defined shouts & rages of the male human voice. Lastly we have track number which is entitled “Portatore Di Luce”(translated to Bringer Of Light). It was recorded in 2010, & it utilized empty cables & a Knife for its sound source. The track title here is very apt because this track brings to mind been engulfed by pure flame, & sound wise this is hopeless & brutal HNW. The ten minute track finds Nascitari creating this ‘wall’ of thick roasting noise that seems slower rage ‘n’ billow away at ones sonic sensors. The pace of the track is persistent & mid-paced in it’s feel, with Nascitari mixing two or possible three tones together to create the effective churning ‘n’ roasting feeling- for the most part the track is relatively fixed through from time to time there is a little movement here. All told this track is a nice brutal release after the building & tense feel of the first three tracks. For the most part “Disturbi Elettromagnetici Legati Alla Presenza Di Dio Nella Corrente Elettrica” slows the more edgy, taut yet psycho ambient side of Nascitari. Certainly worth a look if you enjoyed nasty & tense ambience, or of course if you already a fan of this great yet troubled Italian project. Roger Batty