Ataraxy - A Face of Evil [Muzikaal Kabaal - 2012]“A Face of Evil” finds this German HNW/ harsh noise project offering up a dense ‘n’ brutalizing lesson in rapid & intense walled noise. This CDR release offers up a single slice of just under twenty minutes worth of HNW battering. The CDR cover features an old black & white picture of an very aware/ alert looking baby sitting in a chair, and it’s not until you open up the case that you find out who the baby is one Adolf Hitler. The single self titled track on offer here is a rapid ‘n’ urgent bit of ‘wall-making’, and it finds Ataraxy bounding together three maybe four noise textures to create this intense yet rewarding slice of HNW. The ‘walls’ built around a constant locked billow noise drone, & two or possible three layers of tight juddering/ juddering mid ranged static tip noise. Ataraxy weaves these textures together creating a nice feeling of layer movement, yet the ‘wall’ still remains firm ‘n’ unrelenting through-out it’s run time. I’ll have to admit I’ve found this projects work some what mixed in it’s quality/ execution of the HNW form in the past, but I must say this is a very worthy & brutal slice of walled noise that really sees Ataraxy creating a very enjoyable bit of wall-making. Roger Batty