Merzbow - Frog Remixed And Revisited [Misanthropic Agenda - 2003]There is a heatwave going on and I'm listening to a Merzbow remix album: Frog Remixed And Revisited. Hah! Not really your ideal summer music, but it has it's advantages. The noise will expell the heat from my little room. My speakers puff and yell, and because of the air movement it's like I'm having my own airco system installed. Noise will never be my favourite genre. Usually my ears can't handle it. But sometimes I have periods I allow myself to listen to this kind of music. And I really like this Frog remix album. They compiled a bunch of cool artists on this double disc set. Artists who remixed and revisited the Frog songs and sounds. What to think about Ulver, When, bORIS, Sun 0))) and Fennesz? Is there such a thing as enjoyable noise music? I have a hard time imagining someone tapping their foot to a song like Terror Organ's Necrostuprum or Merzbow's own 15 minute Frog Variation 2. But listening to Sunn0)))'s Catch 22 is actually not that hard. It's not as painful to my ears as some of the other stuff on this album. It's actually one of my favourite songs. I guess noise should be really loud and kicking your arse across the room and letting your ears ring. It's painful music and I guess enjoying it is some kind of sadomachosist pleasure. A pleasure I'm just starting to explore with this album. The remix album really is some fine noise music. But not only that, the psychedelic packaging is superb. Pretty enough to warrant the purchase of this album on it's own. It's not easy for me to judge the album. Noise itself is not my favourite kind of music and usually gives me headaches, but I did acually enjoy some of the music this time. And that says something about the quality. I'm also pretty sure all the real Merzbow freaks already own Frog Remixed And Revisited. People who would like to start listening to noise, just like I did, should either get this album, or the original Frog first. Buy it at Misantrophic Agenda. Niels van Rongen