Light Collapse/Acerbitas - Split [Victimology Rec - 2012]This split CDR brings together two European Walled noise acts- we have Russian based Light Collapse, and UK based Acerbitas. The disc offers up a lengthy near on half an hour track from Light Collapse, and two seventeen to eighteen minute tracks from Acerbitas. The colour labelled CDR comes in a murky colour sleeve which features dark red text on top of what looks like pictures of the surface of steel sheets- all of which is most fitting for the dense & unforgiving ‘walls’ on offer with-in. So first up we have the untitled Light Collapse which comes in at the twenty eight mintue mark. The track offers up an extremely dense, tight & airless bit of ‘wall-making’ that is built of layers of mid paced to rapid thick juddering/ rotating, thinner skipping/rushing tones ‘n grit, and a under lying brooding ‘n’ throbbing low-end drone. The ‘walls’ layers do tend to shift through-out the tracks run time; and these shifts go from subtle shifts to more notice-able movements, taking in stripping down or altering of certain layers, with at times an dense churning industrial vibe being created. Though the ‘wall’ mostly returns back to a thicker/ multi layered form fairly soon. I guess you’d say the tracks a mixture of active & slight more fixed ‘wall noise’. I must say it’s a most rewarding & dense slice of wall-making with some great structural shifts along the way. Up next we have the two Acerbitas tracks- “Indistinct Horizon” & “Brittle Drag”-the first tracks comes in at the 17 minute mark & the second at the 18 minute mark. These two tracks are a bit more set 'n' fixed in their ‘wall-making’ feel compared to the Light Collapse track , but they are both still rather effective slices of dense walled noise. The first track is built around a rushing yet set muffled low- end noise judder or tumble, and this is played over by a hissing & static sliced jittering tone, which I guess is mid ranged in it’s tonality. This first track has quite a watery feel to it taking in: deeper rushing drain tones, more splattering rain storm downpours and galloping rapid liquid pelting textures.
The second Acerbitas track sequences straight in from the first track, and it offers a more defined ‘n’ locked roaring low-end noise drone which has on top of it a rapid yet semi skipping jittering & crisp mid-ranged static tone. The back drone is quite an earthy drilling feel to it, while the other tone is more urgent, active and locked electro machine like in it's crisp-ness- the track offers up a nice mix of tones that make for a compelling ‘wall’. So all in all this is a most rewarding & enjoyable split, which offers up two fairly different takes on tense/ overloading walled noise making Roger Batty