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Go to the Buckethead website  Buckethead - Bucketheadland 2 [ION Records - 2003]

It’s Bucketheadland’s 13th anniversary! In the second anniversary year we get to visit Bucketheadland again. By melting guns and tanks and using the metal for building new rides and attractions we get to see a lot of new stuff!

Once we entered the park we go through the Slaughter Zone Entrance. There are no guidemaps for Bucketheadland: it has be exciting to just wander around. But feel free to run or walk, stumble or roll through streets, allies, roads, ditches or even a in a spiral. The first ride is The Cobra’s Head. Although the park can’t guarantee any bodily harm they claim to have the largest number of beheadings, more than any themepark on the American continent. The Bloody Rainbow Spiralling Sherbert Scoop is quite a treat and surely tastes well after the impressive John Merrick–Elephantman Bones Explosion. Now we have to see if we can get past Albert, a feller who likes the park so much, he hides in the showers after hours. O wow! Vladimir Pocket’s Bloated Slunk Show is a sight for sore ears!

We have to be careful with the chickens that run around everywhere, the Haunted Farm can’t be far from here. The Battery Cage Brawls turned out pretty heavy as The Ghost Of Abraham Lincoln turned out a tough opponent.. Luckily I didn’t win so I didn’t have eat my way out.... Hey, there’s Albert again. He’s playing with dead bodies. Should I help him? I’d rather see Li’l Littles again.. she seemed cute. Everybody knows Frozen Brain Tells No Tales, but I swear he started talking once we left the room and we had to get out of the car. Bootsy doesn’t believe me, though.

Damn, it had to happen some day: someone took Albert’s chickens away... oh well, he seems to be pretty determined in what to do to the crooks. I’m getting hungry! Should be possible to get some headcheese in this place. Oh there, behind the Realistic Coop Replica. Buckethead might be hanging around here.. if we catch him setting up corpses as an audience we might be lucky and get some live music!

Now see if we can get some souvenirs. A limb or something might be nice, but perhaps we should get ourselves a One–Way Ticket To Grabbag Alley to see what other gadgets are available. I'd love to get one of those Leatherface dolls. That Carpal Tunnel Tomb Torker was scary: it got off the tracks and we ended up in some spooky place.. Do I hear possessed farm animals in that hallowing wind?... It’s getting spooky around here.. What’s this? EEEEK! Where did that chainsaw come from!!! Oh jeeeezz! A minute ago I saw Giant Robot in the distance... Where am I?!?! Am I lost! Will I ever get to find the Slaughter Zone Exit? HELP ME!!

Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

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