Where Is This - Stumbling Lips [Ink Runs Recordings - 2014]“Stumbling Lips” finds Irelands Where Is This offering up a taut ‘n’ tensely wavering & slowly shifting slice of static noise making. The release comes in the form of a 3inc CDR that comes in a rather arty black envelope, which features stuck-on text based collage artwork. The CDR takes in a single track entitled “Consonants For A Unrecognised Language”, which comes in at just shy of the nineteen & a half minute mark. The track opens with overdriven ‘n’ head battering bass textures, which are slowly seared & bayed by sudden loud & teeth rattling noise currents. As the track progress WIT tightens & tenses up the atmosphere to such a point that you feel it’s sudden going to exploded out of your stereo, but it never does. By around the five minute mark the bass billow has reached an fixed yet intense plateau, and you start to get a conists & building mass cluttering ‘n’ tautly spluttering static mixed into the track. By the 8th minute these static elements seem to spread-out & balk-up with their dense caustic webs of sound, and the tension just seems to keep build & building. The rest of the track sees WIT slowly blur ‘n’ sear the bass billow & static elements together until they shift into a almost complete noise white-out, but in it’s last few mintues a more clamouring & structured feel starts to arise just before the track cuts out & ends. All told this is another highly rewarding release from WIT, which shows the projects ability to make extremely well conceived & engrossing static noise matter, that mangers to build & build tension while remaining creative & enchanting through-out. Sadly this is now out-of-print with the label, but there are talks of a reissue appearing….lets hope this is the case as more people need to hear this great piece of work. Roger Batty