Finn - The Ayes will have it [Sunday Service - 2005]German Patrick Zimmer is Finn all by himself. He does some kind of spacey pop music that I think I’ve heard before. The ayes will have it is his second album, and there is no faulting the compositions and the recording. The songs are what you could quite safely call beautiful. It’s nice, melancholic, cool melodies, nice vocals, variety from one song to the other… The production is very professional; it wouldn’t be a surprise to see that this album was released on a major –although it actually was on small German label Sunday Service. After all the praise, one might think I love this album. How wrong… Yes, the songs are beautiful, but only if you’re not tired of Radiohead’s latest efforts. Yes, the voice is nice, but only if you just love Thom Yorke. It really is disturbing how all this has a post Kid A feel. I mean, when it doesn’t sound like the British band, it sounds like the artists they’ve been bigging up recently: Sigur Ros, Notwist, German electronica. If you still think these bands are so good that you need some more in the same style, then by all means go for Finn, you won’t be disappointed. But if you look for originality, just forget it… Too close for comfort to Radiohead, a band I stopped being interested in five years ago, I can’t say this is a bad album but I can say it’s hardly interesting. François Monti