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 Review archive:  # a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Hwyl Nofio - Hounded by Fury [HWYL - 2006]

Hounded by fury paints sour and sickly sinister atmospheres. The tracks creak and bend, yellowed like old newspapers reporting unexplained deaths. This is music to feel uncomforble to, which hovers heavy with the audio sent of death, and ill feeling.

It’s all created with a mix of various types of guitars, piano, organ, vola, bass, electronics and a host of other instrumentation. The music dwells in an eerier in-between land of improvisation and structured pieces, dipping and taking influence from jazz, modern classical, noise, stripped down country music and odd soundtrack elements. Each track feels like an audio painting in its own right. Lost man found on railway,sounds just like it’s title, the strange repetitive, strummed stringed instrumentation, is surround by a feeling of sickening dread. Like your  traveling on steam train, slowly advancing along  sun baked tracks, seeing in the distant a slumped body near the track, and your  greeting the sickening stench of decay. The darkened windows of  ghost train north, utilises the sound of modified ‘rusty sign in the wind’ guitar, and creepy, sickly drones. It conjures up images of train of the title, slowly chugging past you, in the windows you see hung human copse twisting in the suns dieing light, the air is heavy with human deification. Function of space feels like you have come across the site a piled high stack of decaying bodies. Melodic piano flicks trying, to light the background feasting fly drone, like flowers growing out of the bodies’ eyes and other orifices.

One of the most chilling  and sinisterly enchanting collections, of sound works you likely to come across this year. That will ,with out a doubt create some very strange nightmares indeed, leaving you seriously creeped out. An Unmissble decaying audio treat. You can listen to samples and buy direct here

Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

Roger Batty
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