Merzbow - Bloody Sea [Vivo Records - 2006]Bloody sea comes off like a more approachable, less violent version of the four disk Turmeric set from early this year. using elements of guitar feedback and electronic pluses and some very crude rhythmic elements. On offer here are three tracks Anti- whaleing soung parts one through to three. All of the tracks to a certain extent have an improvised feel, none of them except the shortest track two staying in one places structurally very long, they seems as if there are cut up elements of a larger noise jam, Masami cutting the best bits out and offering them here. Track tow pumps out a wonderful Geiger counter, like loop through out its running time, as Merzbow splatters and burns guitar and static elements on top. The air seems very fiery and denser, almost boiling with anger in parts. This I think is due to the subject matter, it’s nice to see Merzbow making really doing what is modern protest music here. The cd comes in a rather nice cardboard folder, with a frankly depressing/ anger inducing write up about Japan's restarting of whaleling. Certainly not a Merzbow releases for the novices to his work or noise virgins for that matter, but a competent and rewarding release, that follows on nicely from his recent investigation back into analogue sound link with digital equipment. To hear some samples and buy direct go here.
     Roger Batty