To Live and shave in LA - Horóscopo:Sanatorio de Molière [Blossoming Noise - 2006]This is my first experience with the wonderful dense and almost airless sound of To Live and shave in La. Their sound really is audio over load of the truest form- sounds, melody, voices and singing come at all angles, quite what it all means I’m unsure, but it certainly keeps one attention and works as great delirious audio acid trip. Their seems to be some sort of story/ concept behind it all(this is from the press releash) : Horóscopo, Vatican temporal assassin, is ordered to fall 300 years through time to prevent Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (Molière) from writing the scabrous Tartuffe. A portal divides, doors fly open... Horóscopo’s eyes roll back into his head, and an empty scabbard clatters across marble. "Taisez-vous, et songez aux choses que vous dites." The Nightgaunts descend...,. Which to honest is just as odd and bewildering as the sound of the album it’s self, so the best thing to do is just let it all rush out at you, like a speeded up film as your ears pick out strange melody flourishers, weird mumbled diloguloge, and every other sound element you can think of. This truly must have taken hours upon hours to constructed, but this isn't just random audio rubbish piled on top of each other, there seems method to the madness, but quite what it is, is unsure. Seemly using Elements from their older material, among other things to make the album. You almost feel like your part of some strange sound experiment or maybe trapped in side one of those old Victorian machines that where meant to make the mad sane, strapped into a seat - images wiz by and by at seemly faster and faster speeds. Really I’ve not heard anything quite like this before maybe the closet comparasent would be a Nurse with wound collage track on speed. But To Live and shave in LA, very much have there own take on chaos, whether any of it makes sense is another thing, but I’ll enjoy trying to figuring it out over the coming weeks. All’s that’s left to say is if you enjoy sound collages with a distinctive odd air- apply here. To Hear sample tracks & buy direct go Here .To be even more puzzled and confused go to the bands website here. Roger Batty